
Monday, July 22, 2013

Guess what the kids and I did today.

We emptied our house, ripped out the carpet, and scraped up the padding. New carpet tomorrow!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday back in Amarillo

Got back this evening. Had textured and painted ceilings when we got back thanks to our friend J.F.  It was nice to get home and unpacked. This trip has been epic for me. It made me glad to be who I am and to be where I am from. My identity however is not based only on these two things. I was fortunate enough to check a few things off of my bucket list before my 50th birthday. I got to spend it with my family and two of my friends. I find myself missing people more than I thought possible. There are a few of you that make my heart ache wanting to embrace you and remind you how VERY important you are to me and my life's identity. I am feeling changed by the experience and am extremely unwilling to wait another half-century to have another adventure. Being alone has been great therapy. It has refocused my thoughts and values and has somehow pushed an invisible reset button within me. Thanks for joining me in my journey.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, (It's ma birthday) still in Angel Fire.


Happy Birthday to me.
Still in Angel Fire. Took a drive to the other side of the mountain this morning. I bought a book at the library sale. It's a 1st edition Orson Wells book. Finished my Adventures of Tom Sawyer book last night in the Jacuzzi. Yes I used WAY too much bubble bath.
Sat on the porch and watched the rain this afternoon. All in all a pretty calm birthday.
Here's a good quote from me to you on my birthday...
I love that guy. 
Thanks for following my journey a bit. I have a ton of reflective things to say but ...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Ojo Calente, New Mexico

Not something I really looked forward to honestly. In the middle of nowhere New Mexico and already hot outside. Why would anyone in their right mind go to hot springs?
Boy was I wrong. Way Wrong!!!
They had a bunch of different pools fed by natural hot springs that contained different minerals and were at differing temperatures. 

This one was soda springs and was indoors sort-of. It was peaceful and quiet. They had whisper cops to keep the noise down. Definitely not the place to bring small kids or adults turning 50 who have problems becoming board easily. The fake fart noises echoed throughout the area surprisingly well.

This was just a cool fountain that had their "Hot Eye" logo on it.

These were the pipes feeding the "Iron" springs. It was pretty deep and had hot gravel on the bottom of it. It seemed to be the most popular of the pools.

This was the largest of the springs. It was the Lithium pool. It was supposed to relax you a great deal. We used to give Lithium to mental patients. It DID have a very calming effect.
Right beside it was a smaller and much hotter springs that had Arsenic in it. It felt good but just seemed wrong. I was careful not to drink any of it.

The hammocks beside the Lithium pool.

This was one of several springs with the same minerals in it. We rented a private pool early in the morning. It was very nice just hanging with three others. I could see it being very nice in the snow. It had it's own fireplace and was secluded from the other pools.
There was also a mud pool. I was the only one out of the group to try it. It was fantastic. You slather mud All over your body then let it dry. You sit around on a chase lounge drying yourself in the sun like a lizard then when the mud starts cracking you dip into the mud pool to loosen it up. Afterwards you shower the remaining bits off with the hot springs water.
It was an incredible morning.
We stopped on the way back at the Taos Mesa Brewing Company, ordered several flights of beers, and had a bit of lunch. I had Creamed Crab Bisque with Crab Fritters.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday in Red River, New Mexico

We took the traditional ride to the top on the ski lift.

A thunderstorm came and cut our excursion short. My son did however manage to get sunburned on the tops of his feet. 


We stopped on the way back at Elizabeth Town. It's a ghost town between Eagle's Nest and Red River. I had always wanted to stop there as a kid so now was the perfect time to make my friends and family take a side-trip. For years there was this cool arched wall ruin there and this year I noticed that a lot of it had fallen down. It was sad but the history of the place was very interesting. There is a small private museum there run by a solitary lady. It was touching.
This is what it looked like when I was a kid.
 Here's what it looks like now.

In one of the barns I found this car. It had been decorated for a parade.
It's an 1903 Curved Dash Oldsmobile.
It still ran.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday Mountian Hike. Angel Fire, New Mexico

I like mountain flowers that are alone. Sometimes I feel that way. I enjoy noticing them. Sometimes It's nice to be noticed. Especially those times when you begin to doubt the importance of your own existence.

Great views. Either that or it was the oxygen deprivation.

And he still can manage a smile....