My dad grew up here and gave me the tour.
This was Mark Twain's apartment in Muscatine where he actually wrote most of his early works. We drove past the barriers to get to the parking lot. The river was record high and just across the street.
This was the Stickrod Family home before they all became farmers. Everyone worked in the button factory. They made buttons out of oyster shells. That was before Japan and plastic buttons. Touchy subject around here still....
My grandpa also worked at some sort of grain processing plant. They turned it into alcohol but not the drinking kind.
My Grandma has a picture of her kids standing by this cellar door. I think it would be cool to make them do it again as old people. The only thing is that they don't listen to her as well anymore.
This is the cherry tree many years later that my dad and aunt got their first belt spanking over. My grandpa told them not to eat the green cherries but they did anyway. Dad said it was worth it.
Dad checking out the back yard. You could see him remembering things like hiding places, sliding down drain pipes, and playing in the yard.
A walk down the railroad tracks leads us to "Whisky Holler." As kids the whole world was safe for them to play in and explore. Well everyplace but the stills at Whisky Holler. So it was completely natural that this place should become one of my Dad's favorites. It really was a great place. They could follow the tracks back home with no problem.
This is the Cherry Top Drive In. Open since 1951 and changed very little. If you've ever seen American Graffiti this place was just like that drive in complete with roller skates and ducktails. This was THE hangout for the "South Enders" and the "Slew kids".
Now back to Grandview, Iowa.
Not sure what was up with this picture but I sorta liked the effect anyway. This is my Grandma's house. It sits right on Main Street.
That's her smiling and waiving at me. That's also exactly how I want to remember her. I love her dearly. Bertha.
More to come tomorrow. Need Sleep bad!! Been driving since 4 this morning. Don't want to do that too many more times.
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